What is entrepreneurship?


What is entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship is the process or any act of setting up a business. An act of bringing up and starting a business, in hope of getting a profit. An entrepreneur, is a risk taker. He risks his revenue on setting up the business in hope of profit return.

Why should you be an entrepreneur?
It is proven source of generating revenue, if you succeed in the business.  Entrepreneurship is very important, it has the ability to  improve your standards of living and sure way to bring wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs but also for related businesses. It is a better way for self employment.
Advantages of being an entrepreneur.
1. Flexible work time
2. Non limited income rate
3. Freedom of choosing location
4. You can have more time with your family
5. Be your own boss
6. Running more than one business or company
7. create employment for peoples

1. Flexible work time : You are the one to choose what time your business operates. unlike when you are employed by another business or company, when you just have to be present from when the company opens and close everyday. Being an entrepreneur gives you an advantage of having and deciding your own work time.

2. Unlimited income rate: Depending on how in demand your business is. Compare to being employed by someone, company or organization, you are limited to only your salary span. but a business income rate varies. It may increase as demand increase and vice versa.  

3. Freedom of choosing location: Selection of where your business is to located, is your own choice. you have the advantage of selecting the perfect place for you business. Where you think you will be making a high sale and convenient to your buyers or customers.

4. You can have more time with your family: Here is the fun part. You have enough time with your family members with no penalties like salary deduction.

5. Be your own boss: Many people find the idea of being under someone as their boss challenging and tiring, owning your own business is the solution to this.

6. Running more than one business or company: Yes of curse! as an entrepreneur you are entitled to running more than one business at a time, if you can manage them properly. Multiple business income source.

7. create employment for peoples: As you brought up your business idea, you may realize you need to employ peoples of same or other profession to help you in achieving your goals. therefore creating employment to the society.

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